我老公今天與我分享這篇文章, 我覺得很有趣,所以想登上來與大家分享....
Happiness Is Contagious
A happy person within a social circle quickly influences those around him or her to be happy, extending to three degrees of separation. Adam Hinterthuer reports
[The following is an exact transcript of this podcast.]
Want to live a happier life? Try surrounding yourself with happy friends or at least find friends with happy friends. A study published online December 4th in the British Medical Journal says happiness can quickly go viral within your social network.
Researchers looked at twenty years' worth of data on more than 5,000 individuals and found that when any one person was happy, their friends became more likely to share that joy. Benefits spread out to three degrees of separation, meaning a better chance at happiness for not only their friends' friends, but also their friends' friends' friends.
But don't go thinking your ten thousand buddies on Facebook will bring you happiness. The researchers found that the strength of the effect dissipates over physical distance, with next-door neighbors and friends living nearby getting the biggest boost. Surprisingly, sadness made very little headway within social networks, paling in comparison to the communal effects of happiness. Just in time for the holiday season, scientific proof that it's not the gift that counts—it’s the smile on the face of the friend giving it.
—Adam Hinterthuer
快樂是一種非常具有振動力的能量. 大部份的人不會拒絕一個快樂的人,所以, 他們也比較能夠吸收這樣的能量. 相對的, 大部分的人對負面的情緒也很敏感. 但因為多數的人在還沒有接觸負面的情緒之前,會先封閉起自己的情緒,以免自己的情緒受到影響, 所以這也是為什麼,憂傷比快樂更難傳播的原因.
所以,我會建議你將自己環繞在你所追求的能量裏.而不要將自己不斷地埋進自己的悲情故事裏. 如果,你想要變得更有動力, 那就讓自己多接觸這些可以激勵你的人身邊. 如果,你想要在生活裏尋求多一點色彩,那就多接觸各種與自己不一樣的族群. 如果你想要尋求快樂,那就製造出這樣的環境給自己.
但如果你只會不斷地鑽研自己的悲哀, 不但你看不到咫尺可近的資源, 你的悲哀也會在你的體內形成雪球效應 等到你被這層厚厚的悲哀所覆蓋住的時候, 非旦人們很難在一旁協助你, 你也會聽不到那些關心你的聲音.
所以, 為自己製造想要的生活. 你可以從即刻起選擇什麼樣的生活最適合你. 就從身邊的能量開始選擇起...相信我, 你會慢慢地開始看到改變.
而這也會是be in spirit的方法之一.