Hi guys,
My husband and I have been planning something super exciting for the past few months, and we can't wait to share it with you! We've each planned a trip, and we're inviting you to join us on this adventure. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so don't miss out!
My husband's dream destination is Africa. He's absolutely in love with the vast wilderness, the amazing wildlife, and the breathtaking scenery, not to mention his love for photography of wilderness. So if you're a nature lover and a photography enthusiast, this is the perfect trip for you!
As for me, Egypt is my ultimate travel destination since I did write a whole “Forgotten Egypt” saga based in Egypt. Even though I visited Egypt just last year, my husband's sudden inspiration got me all excited to plan another trip with all of you! We've worked really hard to create an itinerary that includes some off-the-beaten-path locations and experiences that you won't find on a typical tour.
Now, we know that these trips aren't cheap, but we've worked hard to keep the costs as low as possible. We've researched extensively and made special requests to the local travel agencies to ensure that we get the best value for our money. Trust us, you won't find a better deal anywhere else, and definitely not in the same package we’ve got to offer!
If you're interested in joining us, please take a look at the itinerary for each trip and make sure you read through all the details carefully. The deposit is non-refundable but transferable, so make sure you're absolutely sure before you sign up.
We're asking for a deposit of $1000 USD for Egypt and $1200USD for Africa to confirm your spot, and the remaining balance can be paid off no later than 75 days prior to the trip(s). Please note that airfare and local expenses aren't included in the fees, but you can book your own flights through your preferred travel agency.
We can't wait to embark on these incredible journeys with you, so don't wait too long to make your decision!
The itinerary for Egypt is from Saturday, October 27, 2023 to Monday, November 6, 2023 (local time in Cairo). Cost: $5000 USD. Download itinerary in Chinese | English. Unfortunately, due to limited space, we can only accomodate double occupancy on boat 2, so please take it into consideration before you book. Thank you.
The itinerary for Africa is from Tuesday, November 6, 2023 to Thursday, November 15, 2023 (local time in Tanzania). Cost: $5500 USD. Download itinerary in Chinese | English. (Sold Out)
If you'd like to take both trips, the total fee will be $10,000USD, the discount will be taken off on the final payment. (Sold Out)
* if the space is still available, there's no need to be on the waiting list.
You can make deposit directly to reserve your spot, but if the spots are already full and you cannot make a payment at all, please go to https://www.waitlistr.com/lists/eec65533/travel-with-us and fill out the waiting list. If there are any openings in the future, we will contact you based on the waiting list.
************************** 中文 **************************
Hi guys,
然而對我來說,任何有古跡/遺跡的地方都是我想要安排的目的地,但由於自己出版了『被遺忘的埃及』的緣故,我想,如果全世界要我挑一個地方的話,埃及自然是再合理不過的選擇了。 只不過大家應該都知道我不久前才剛去過埃及,所以在重新安排行程上,雖然要顧忌到從來沒有去過埃及的人的必踩之地,但對於重返埃及的我來說,還是想要試試一些不同的場景以及體驗。所以在這趟旅程中,我們除了特別安排了私人的遊輪之外,還特別安排了許多平常旅行社不會提供的景點給各位。
由於我們之前的旅遊經驗與研究,讓我們在景點安排以及住宿選擇上都特別的要求當地的旅行社儘可能地滿足我們的水平。 我知道這兩趟旅行都不算是一筆小數目,但若是你對這兩個國家的旅行費用有點概念,或是比價過其它類似的套裝行程的話,就應該知道我們已經儘可能地向各地旅行社要求最經濟、又遠低於一般相同旅程的費用了。
目前我們每個套裝收埃及 - 定金 $1000美元(USD),非洲 - 定金$1200美元(USD) 以方便我們確定人數並完成出發前的部份手續,付完定金後依照你的特別指示與需求會另外收到一封信,讓你可以隨時付清剩下餘額。其餘費用必須在出發前75天前完全付清。
還有:所報費用不包括 你的出發地到埃及/非洲的機票,以及當地的開銷或小費。由於每個人的出發地都不同的緣故,你們可以選擇自己習慣的旅行社預訂機票。
埃及行程從2023年10月27日星期五到2023年11月6日星期一(開羅當地時間)。費用為5000美元。行程表下載 中文 | English 因為船位有限的關係,我們第二艘船只能安排兩人一房,而無法提供單人房或套房服務,敬請見諒。
非洲行程從2023年11月6日星期一到2023年11月15日星期三(Tanzania當地時間) 費用: $5500美元(USD) 行程表下載 中文 | English (完售)
如果你同時參加埃及與非洲的旅程的話,那你的總金額為 $10,000美金, 折扣金額會在尾款時扣除。(完售)
* 如果以下可以直接付費的話,請不要在後補名單上登記名字喔。
你可以直接付款以確保你的名額,但若是名額已滿已無法再付款,再到 https://www.waitlistr.com/lists/eec65533/travel-with-us 填寫後補名單。若未來有位置空出,我們會依照名單順序與各位連絡。